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The corporate mission aims to raise quality standards and make a difference in the field through 4 principles: education and training, technology, human relationships and operations. Security Roma Management has been able to establish itself in the area thanks to the experience of those who work there and the trust acquired over the years. It strictly complies with all the contribution obligations of its staff, as required by law. All documented and periodically updated through the DURC

The company pursues the following objectives:

  • Provide services and products in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject, with the requests and needs of customers

  • Optimize the planning and delivery times of services

  • Establish solid and lasting relationships with customers and satisfy their requests and needs

  • Train, update and train personnel adequately and constantly with theoretical and practical courses and with specific training

  • Prepare adequate "Corrective Actions" respectively to the needs of the customer

  • Guarantee total flexibility to manage any changes in the performance required by the customer

  • Provide the staff with the necessary high-tech equipment

  • Create stable and loyal human relationships

  • Guarantee corporate professionalism on all levels

  • Manage emergencies and "Non-Conformities" and implement "Corrective Actions"

  • Guarantee the highest quality in the provision of services.


Our Mission

Founded in 2013, Security Roma Management Srl is a Limited Liability Company, with registered office in Rome, authorized with a special Prefectural License A, B and C in accordance with Articles 134 and 135 of the TULPS and Ministerial Decree 269/2010, at carrying out private security services, alarm management, video surveillance, remote surveillance, 24-hour emergency intervention, control of entertainment and show activities, fiduciary concierge and access control, labeling and auxiliaries.


It also offers a wide range of services dedicated to the security of the property, the safeguarding of movable and immovable property, the protection of the staff present on site, the confidentiality of the information and data processed.

Security Roma Management has highly qualified personnel, including operators assigned to trust services, persons in charge of controlling entertainment and show activities, special security guards, operations center operators and a fleet of machines for day and night inspection services with patrols. (service patrol cars) which allow to carry out interventions H24 promptly and efficiently and to solve daily problems (emergencies, emergencies). The staff is trained and informed in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject, TULPS, DM 269/2010, Safety and Health in the workplace, Legislative Decree 81/2008, Legislative Decree 19/2020 for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 and is accredited and updated to operate on video surveillance, alarms and labeling systems. The owner, Maurizio Traniello, in 2019 obtained the Certification N ° XPERT / 18/3372 as a 2nd level Security Professional.

All the operators of Security Roma Management also possess the following Certifications:

  • Anti Terrorism

  • Fire fighting

  • First Aid BLSD and PBLSD

  • Containment of the spread of Covid-19

  • English language.

The Company is also in possession of the Certifications listed below:

  • Certificate of compliance with ISO 9001: 2015;

  • Certificate of conformity to the UNI 10891: 2000 standard.

Superficie astratta

Experienced Leadership





Security Roma Management

Via Bruno Pontecorvo 13

00012 Guidonia Montecelio (RM)

Tel. 06 2003932



    © 2022 Security Roma Management



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